Psycho Donuts. Saiko, Dounatsu?


Yesterday, I attended meetings all day. Before the main meeting, we breakfasted at Psycho Donuts.

This is how donuts should be. Crazy Decorated.

We got the Dead Elvis and Strawberry Tac-o-nut.


A custard filled donut with peanut butter and jelly drizzle, freeze dried bananas and bacon.

This was so good. The peanut butter really helps to dampen the sweetness. It almost tastes healthy. Psycho donuts is quite good when it comes to its super fluffy & fresh donut. Also, there is no rancid aftertaste as with most donuts. The Dead Elvis was so satisfying, I felt that ‘die happy’ feeling.


mside shot

The Strawberry Tac-o-nut wasn’t to my liking. The shell was fluffy and perfect, the strawberry filling, also perfect, however the marshmellow creme  was too heavy.  I understand that  a heavier creme  keeps the donut shell from deteriorating.
To perfect this, more strawberry filling, less creme.




Punny, I’m a Re-Psycho too.


They had a Bates Motel theme area, with padded room! More photos in my Fashion Blog.


Generally, I’m a Psycho fan, and would come back again and again to try all their unique flavours.

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